22 Şubat 2008 Cuma

Diamond Jewellery Origins

Diamond Jewellery Origins
The word "diamond" is derived from the Greek "adamas", meaning indomitable. In the Middle Ages the diamond was thought to be a protection against the plague, Queen Elizabeth I wore one in her bosom to protect against infection. Napoleon, another believer in its mystic powers, had the famous Regent diamond in in the hilt of the sword he carried at his coronation. The diamond has the legendary power of protecting the wearer form evil, especially when worn on the left side. This belief may well have added to the choice of a diamond for an engagement ring. Continuing the marital theme there is a superstition that a gift of a diamond "quickens the affection and restores love between husband and wife".
From statements in an old Indian manuscript of the first century B.C. it is thought that the diamond was known in India during the Buddhist period of about 400 B.C. The earliest recorded diamond engagement ring was given to Mary of Burgundy in 1477 by her fiance, Maximillian of Hapsburg. It was during the latter half of the 17th century that the Italian, Vincenzo Peruzzi invented the brilliant cut, forerunner of the many diamond cuts known today and still the cut that produces the most "fire" in a stone.
CARAT WEIGHT is the standard of measurement for the gemstone industry. One carat equals 0.2 grams. Historically, the "carob bean" was used as the standard, which, although was not precise, had a fairly consistent weight. This is where the name "carat" came from. For stones under one carat, carats are generally broken down into "points", where,100 points equals one carat (ct).50 points equals ½ ct, 25 points is ¼ ct etc.A .86 ct diamond is said to be 86 points, or sometimes an "86 pointer".
CLARITY is an evaluation of internal characteristics, judged under 10x magnification. The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) has developed the grading system which is the international standard. The grades range from "FLAWLESS' to "IMPERFECT" and are described below.
One point to keep in mind is that stones with fewer or no inclusions are not necessarily "better", but rather are "rarer" in nature, and therefore more expensive.
By the GIA definition, any diamond graded SI2 or higher has no eye visible inclusions. Inclusions rarely, if ever, affect the "brilliance" or "fire" of a diamond. Light enters a diamond from so many directions, that the microscopic inclusions do not interfere. Only major inclusions in an imperfect stone will reduce brilliance.
GIA - Clarity Grading Scale
Internally Flawless
Very Very Slight Inclusions
Very Slight Inclusions
Slight Inclusions
VS1 - VS2
SI1 - SI2
I1 - I2 - I3


COLOUR grading is also standardized using the GIA colour grading system illustrated below. Colour in a diamond is more accurately described as "lack of colour". Most diamonds occur in nature having minute impurities causing them to have a slight yellowish cast. The more a diamond approaches absolutely colourless, the whiter it appears when cut. Colourless diamonds are quite rare in nature and are therefore the most expensive.
The GIA colour scale begins with the letter D and ends with Z , for white stones (Fancy coloured diamonds such as yellow, pink, blue, etc. are graded differently). This scale ranges from colourless to yellow.
GIA - Colour Grading Scale
Note: Colours may not be realistic due to differences in video processors and monitors.
Near Colourless
Faint Yellow
Very Light Yellow
Light Yellow

Cut is probably the most important factor in achieving beauty and brilliance in a diamond, but is also the least understood and most vague when assigning value. Cut refers to two things: Shape and proportion.
The standard diamond shapes are:
Shape appeal is entirely a personal preference but be aware that shapes that are the most symmetrical are the most brilliant. Because round diamonds are the most brilliant, they are also the most popular. Due to the common principals of supply and demand, round (brilliant cut) diamonds are generally the most expensive shape.
Proportion is the single most important element in determining brilliance in a diamond. The angles of the diamonds facets are what causes light to reflect through the stone in a quality known as "Fire". Most diamonds are cut in a compromising way, so as to retain as much weight as possible from the rough crystal, yet achieve maximum brilliance. Only diamonds cut to "Ideal Proportions" (known as Ideal Cut) truly achieve the maximum possible brilliance or fire.
The Ideal Cut is a mathematical formula, developed in the 1920's, for cutting diamonds at the precise angles and proportions necessary for light to be reflected and exit through the top of the stone. In other words, there is no light leakage or "dead spots" when looking into the stone. Light rays from all sides of the diamond are bent towards the centre of the stone and reflect back through the top in rainbow blaze of light! This can only really be achieved in round stones, which are absolutely symmetrical.
Ideal Proportions of a Diamond
Note: The reason not all diamonds are cut to this standard is because it requires losing extra weight from the rough crystal. Therefore, Ideal Cut diamonds are a premium cost, because one must pay for the "lost weight". The advantage is a more brilliant diamond


19 Şubat 2008 Salı


What are diamonds?
Natural diamonds are pure carbon, formed into crystals deep below the earth’s crust many millions of years ago. Diamonds are found and mined in several parts of the world but predominantly in southern Africa where flows of volcanic lava, known as Kimberlite, have carried diamond deposits to the surface. These deposits can be mined or quarried to recover the diamonds within the Kimberlite. As the hardest natural substance known to man, diamonds brought to the surface in this way have survived the effects of geological erosion, often being washed down river valleys and into the sea. Diamonds can therefore be recovered from the alluvial deposits in rivers as well as from the sea bed and even from beaches. In their recovered or “rough” form they are far from the cut and polished gemstones which we prize today. Rough diamonds have to be sorted and graded before those which can be used for jewellery are shipped to specialist cutting and polishing centres around the world. Diamonds not suitable for jewellery are used for industrial cutting and drilling.

Diamond Cut
Many people confuse diamond cut with diamond shape. Most diamonds are cut with a full 58 facets and a good cut or make has more brilliance, fire and ultimate beauty. However, the shape you select is a matter of individual taste and today your choice is only limited by the skill and imagination of the craftsman.
It is the precision and delicacy of the cut that dictates the maximum amount of light that will be reflected through the diamond.
1. When a diamond is cut with good proportions light is reflected from one facet to another and then dispersed through the crown or the top of the stone.
2. If the cut of the diamond is too deep some light escapes through the opposite side of the pavilion or bottom.
3. If the cut is too shallow light escapes through the pavilion or bottom before it can be reflected.

Diamond Clarity
Diamonds more than any other gemstone have the capability to produce the maximum amount of brilliance. Whilst almost all diamonds contain minute traces of non-crystallised carbon or small non-diamond crystals, one that is virtually free of interior or exterior inclusions (commonly clawed flaws) will be of the highest quality. In such a diamond nothing interferes with the passage of light through it; thus it's clarity only serves to intensify it's beauty and fire.To determine a diamonds clarity it is viewed under a 10x magnification by a trained eye. What minute inclusions there are make every diamond quite unique. They are natures fingerprints and neither mar it's beauty nor endanger it's durability. However, the fewer seen, the rarer the stone will be.

Diamond Carat Weight
As with all precious stones, the weight and therefore the size of a diamond is expressed in carats.One carat is divided into 100 "points" so that a diamond of 25 points is described as quarter of a carat or 0.25 carats. Size is the most obvious factor in determining the value of a diamond but now you know that two diamonds of equal size can have very different values on their quality. However, remember diamonds of high quality can be found in all size ranges. Here are some other examples that show the approximate sizes of the diamonds in question.

What exactly are “conflict diamonds”?
In 1998, Non Governmental Organisation (NGO) Global Witness brought to the world’s attention that UNITA, a rebel group in Angola, was funding its war against the legitimate government by the control and sale of rough diamonds. These have since become known as conflict diamonds. We also now know that rebel groups in Sierra Leone and the Democratic Republic of Congo were also funding conflicts in this way. Although peace has since been restored in Angola and Sierra Leone, and a cease fire in the DRC, the diamond industry is determined to work with governments through the United Nations to ensure that future conflicts cannot be funded in this way. At its peak, the trade in conflict diamonds was estimated to be less than 4% of annual rough diamond production but the industry has declared that one diamond traded in this way is one too many. Since the introduction of Kimberley well over 99% of the worlds diamond supply is certified to be from sources that are free from conflict.

Conflict Diamonds – Jewellery.tv Policy and Procedures
The diamonds contained in our jewellery are millions of years old and may have been mined in parts of Africa, Canada, Russia or Australia. A few years ago the jewellery industry discovered that in some parts of Africa, small scale diamond mining was being exploited by illegal militias to support civil war and conflict. These diamonds have been referred to as “Conflict Diamonds”.As a member of the British Jewellers’ Association, Jewellery.tv supports the initiative of the United Nations and the World Diamond Council (The Kimberley Process) to prevent conflict diamonds from entering the legitimate supply chains of the jewellery industry. The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme ensures that mining of diamonds is strictly supervised at government level and that legitimately mined diamonds, in their “rough” state (before cutting and polishing) are only transferred between participating countries under strictly monitored conditions, in tamper proof containers, and accompanied by the appropriate documentation. To ensure that only these legitimate diamonds, when cut and polished, pass into the jewellery manufacturing process, and therefore into the jewellery which we sell to our customers, we participate in the system of warranties and code of conduct issued by the World Diamond Council on 29 October 2002 and endorsed by the British Jewellers’ Association.Under the WDC Code of Conduct we will:
1. not buy diamonds from firms who will not put a conflict diamonds warranty on their invoices.
2. not buy diamonds from suspect or unknown sources or from countries not participating in the Kimberley Process.
3. not buy diamonds from a source found to have violated government regulations on conflict diamonds.
4. not buy diamonds from regions where government advice indicates that conflict diamonds are emanating or on sale unless they have been exported under the Kimberley Process.
5. not knowingly buy or sell or assist others to buy or sell conflict diamonds.
6. ensure that all company employees who buy and sell diamonds are well informed about the Kimberley process and industry self regulation.
All of our suppliers have been advised that each invoice they send us covering diamonds (or jewellery which contains diamonds), must carry the following warranty and that if they fail to supply this warranty, we will not place further orders with them.


18 Şubat 2008 Pazartesi


Kesim ve şekline göre elmas ya da pırlantaya dönüşüyor. Pırlanta daha parlak, kesim oranı daha fazla ve alt kısmı kubbe gibi. Elmasın alt kısmı düz, fasat yani yüzey sayısı 12 ile 37 adet arasında değişir. Pırlantaların kesimi daha zor ve 57 fasadı var. Elmas pırlantadan daha değerli olarak bilinir, ancak gerçek tam tersidir. Pırlanta daha ince işçiliktir. Taşların yüzde 95'i bildiğimiz cinsten yani renksizdir, yüzde 5'i ise renklidir ve bunlara fantezi denir, fiyatları astronomiktir. Örneğin hayli nadir olan Avustralya'nın pembe pırlantaları gibi.
Titanic filmindeki o kocaman mavi taşı, ''okyanusun kalbi''ni hatırladınız mı? Sonsuz aşkın sembolü mavi bir elmastır. Sentetik yani yapay pırlantalar da pazara veriliyor ve Rusya bu konuda hayli iddialı. Elmas sanayinin de vazgeçilmezi. Eşsiz kesici özelliğiyle cerrah aletleri arasında yer alıyor.
Pırlanta ile birlikte anılır karat. Pırlantanın ağırlığını gösterir. İlk elmasın bulunduğu Hindistan'da keçiboynuzunun çekirdeği ölçü olarak alınır ve bir karat eşittir bir gramın beşte biri ya da 200 miligramdır. Pırlantalı mücevher alırken, aldanmamak için dikkat edilmesi gereken dört kriter var: karat, kesim, berraklık ve renk.
Elmas bulmak büyük endüstriyel operasyonların sonucu olabileceği gibi küçük ölçekli yöntemler de mevcuttur. Bir karat pırlanta için 250 ton kaya, kum ve çakılın çıkarılması gerekir. Dünyadaki yıllık üretim 100 milyon karata eşittir ki bunun sadece yüzde 50'si mücevher kalitesindedir. Bir karatlık pırlantanın ilk anda pahalı gelmesinin nedenini şimdi daha iyi anlaşılıyordur herhalde.


All About Diamonds

All About Diamonds

Diamonds are among the most prized substances on earth. Their incomparable brilliance, elegance, durability and mystery have captivated our imagination for thousands of years. Considering the endless lore and mystique behind this regal stone, it's no wonder that it has come to symbolize the ultimate gift of love and romance.
Not only is a diamond the overwhelming choice for prospective brides and grooms selecting an engagement ring, but the gem is also the birthstone for April. And diamonds are the recommended gift for couples celebrating their 10th, 60th and 75th wedding anniversaries.
Diamonds are among the most prized substances on earth. Their incomparable brilliance, elegance, durability and mystery have captivated our imagination for thousands of years. Considering the endless lore and mystique behind this regal stone, it's no wonder that it has come to symbolize the ultimate gift of love and romance.
Not only is a diamond the overwhelming choice for prospective brides and grooms selecting an engagement ring, but the gem is also the birthstone for April. And diamonds are the recommended gift for couples celebrating their 10th, 60th and 75th wedding anniversaries.
Buying a major piece of diamond jewelry such as an engagement ring or anniversary band is one of the most expensive purchases many of us will ever make. That's why it's so important to understand the elements behind the quality and cost of a stone, so you can make an informed buying decision.
When shopping for a diamond, keep in mind that the value of a stone is determined by the "4 Cs" of cut, color, clarity and carat weight.
Cut refers to the execution of the diamond's design, the skill with which it was cut, the quality of its polish, and the overall symmetry of the stone. Diamond cuts are broadly graded as Ideal, Excellent, Very Good, Fair or Poor. A well-cut diamond releases the inner brilliance of the stone and projects its maximum amount of fire and sparkle. A poorly cut diamond allows light to leak out the sides or bottom rather than reflecting back to the eye, resulting in a "dull" diamond that may even have some "dead" spots inside.
Color refers to the presence or absence of color in white diamonds. As a rule, the whiter the stone, the greater its value. Even a slight tinge of yellow or brown could have a negative impact on a stone's value. Most diamonds are graded on the GIA color scale that begins with "D" for colorless and continues all the way down to "Z", with the color becoming more visible as you move down the alphabet. Stones in the D-F color ranges are considered the most valuable because they are the rarest.
Clarity refers to the presence of surface or internal flaws within a diamond caused during its formation. External marks are known as blemishes, while internal ones are called inclusions. Diamonds are graded for clarity on a scale ranging from "F" for flawless (no blemishes or inclusions visible under 10x magnification) to "I" for imperfect (inclusions visible to the naked eye), with numerous grades and subgrades in between. The best diamonds, of course, are flawless, but these stones are exceptionally rare and therefore very costly.
Carat weight refers to the size of the stone. The carat is the measure of weight for diamonds. One carat is approximately 200 milligrams, or 100 "points". A stone weighing a half-carat would be a 50 pointer, and so on. In general, larger diamonds are rarer and have a higher value per carat. However, other factors such as cut, color and clarity come into play as well in determining a stone's value. It's entirely possible for a smaller stone of exceptional cut, color and clarity to be worth more than a larger stone of only average quality in these areas.
There are even fancy natural colored diamonds in reds, pinks, blues, greens, yellows, browns and other colors. They vary in color richness or saturation from "faint" to "vivid", with the latter grade reserved for stones with the most vivid and deepest saturation. The value of a fancy stone depends largely on the rarity of its color (for instance, reds and greens are rarer than yellows and browns); the saturation of the color; and the purity of the color (whether the color is bright and clear or clouded by tinges of other underlying colors). Top grade fancy diamonds are extremely rare and can command tremendous prices. Probably the most famous colored diamond is the Hope, a 45.52-carat deep blue gem that resides in the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.
Even though diamonds are the hardest known substance on earth, rating a "10" on the Mohs scale of hardness, they can still be damaged if they aren't handled with care. Since only diamonds can scratch other diamonds, it's important to wrap and store your diamond jewelry pieces separately so they aren't touching one another. Also, diamond jewelry should never be worn during heavy work, since points are vulnerable to chipping and the setting can be loosened. Visit a jewelry retailer every six months to have your diamonds, mountings and settings checked.
As for cleaning, it's always best to have this done by a professional. To clean jewelry at home, you can soak your diamonds in warm, sudsy water made with any mild liquid detergent, brush with a soft toothbrush, then rinse and pat dry with a soft, lint-free cloth. Other effective cleaning methods include soaking diamonds in household ammonia, brand-name liquid jewelry cleaners and even a glass of vodka.


14 Şubat 2008 Perşembe

2008 yılı Ekonomik Beklentileri

2007 yılı Dünya ekonomisinin en önemli gelişmesi Mortgage krizi olmuştur.Ev almak için kullanılan uzun vadeli kredilerin kısa vadede kredi geri dönüşlerinin düşmesi bir anda krizi tetikledi.Türkiye de daha çok yeni olan ABD ise çok büyük bir oranda kullanılan ve zaman zaman da amacı dışında özel tüketimlerin finansmanında da kullanılan Mortgage kredileri bankaların rekabetlerinden dolayı kredi geçmişleri çok iyi olmayan müşterilere de verildi.Kredilerin ödenememeye başlanması sonucunda bir zincir başladı ve bir çok borçlu evlerini satışa çıkardı. Fakat bir anda artan arz fazlası ev fiyatları daha da düştü ve kredilerin ödenmesi olasılığını daha da düşürdü. Kredilerin karşılığı olarak tahvillerinde sermaye piyasalarında satılmış olmasıda alacakların da bu tip tahvillere olan ilgisini azalttı.Son haftalarada açıklanan istihdam rakamları da ABD de 2008 yılında istihdamın ve ekonominin yavaşlayacağı yönünde, tabi lokomotifin yavaşlaması demek vagonlarında yavaşlaması demek bu noktada azalan taleple birlikte emtia ve enerji fiyatlarınında düşeceği beklenebilir. Tabii bu kontada Türkiye de ki ihracaat rakamlarının da düşeceğini söyleyebilir.Bu tahminler ışığında Türkiye nin 2008 yılını verimlilik anlamında çalışmalar yapılması en mantıklı olanı olacaktır. Dünya ekonomilerindeki verimlilik - özellikle ABD ekonomisi - Türkiye ekonomisine göre oldukça yüksek noktadadır.Verimlilik artışının mikro ekonomik anlamda kemikleşmiş enflasyonun da daha kolay aşağıya çekebileceğini söyleyebilir.2008, 2007 göre daha daralan bir ekonomide ve daha rekabetçi bir ortamda gerçekleşecektir.
